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We try to make all our data and software freely available and easily accessible. Scripts are generally available from Github, and data from NCBI, Dryad, or elsewhere. If you notice something that is missing, please contact us.


*Note that most of this code is not actively maintained, and it may depend on obsolete or deprecated releases or packages. It is provided as-is, generally under a 3-clause BSD license.


Code plus phylogenies, sequence alignments, and other data used to examine diversification in suboscine passerines (Harvey et al. 2020).


A simple, simulation-based test for trait-dependent diversification (Harvey and Rabosky 2018).


A pipeline for de novo assembly of population-level sequence capture datasets (Harvey et al. 2016, Syst. Biol.).


A program for simulating large sets of alignments resembling those obtained from massively parallel sequencing approaches like RAD-Seq and sequence capture of ultraconserved elements.


A repository of miscellaneous Python code, mostly for processing and manipulating genetic data. Many of these are scripts for formatting input files for different phylogenetic and population genetics programs. Included are scripts for:


A repository of miscellaneous R code, mostly for analyzing and visualizing data, including scripts for:
